Dear St. Louis Parishioners,
In these later weeks of the Lectionary’s journey through John 6, that thorough Biblical

teaching on the Eucharist, we begin to reflect upon what it means to live rooted in this communion. Last week, we reflected upon the essential nature of faith, emboldening our trust in our Almighty Lord, even upon the turbulent seas of this life. This gift of faith opens our hearts and minds to the guidance of the Lord, who is always guiding us home to the safe refuge of His embrace. This is why the key to living out a life rooted in communion is to begin and end with prayer. Prayer is essentially not something we do, by our own initiative. It is a response to the invitation of the Lord, who calls us into relationship with Himself, and daily calls us back into His rest. Like the lighthouse (front cover, window found on the Eastern wall of the nave, next to the calming of the storm window), guiding ships to safe harbor, even amidst the wind and the waves, our God is calling us daily to Himself even amidst the sometimes hectic nature of our daily lives. May we respond to this invitation readily each day, knowing where true safe harbor is found.
BUILDING ON THE FOUNDATION: This weekend, we heard about the foundation upon which the house is built: RELATIONSHIP → IDENTITY → MISSION (R.I.M.). Upon this foundation, the five pillars rest: Prayer, Humility, Integrity, Responsibility, & Hospitality. These five pillars are the dispositions, which we must work to foster, if we are to help hold the house strong. So, what is the relationship, from which our identity and mission flow? It is prayer, which focuses directly on our relationship with the Lord. Yet, this relationship of communion, nourished by prayer and the sacraments, also makes us one in Him. We must always remember that our oneness within the community comes from seeking to remain always in Him. Seek Him who seeks you.
SPECIAL HOLY HOUR OF PRAYER: This Wednesday (August 15) evening, you all are invited to an evening of prayer, in the form of Eucharistic Adoration and guided Lectio Divina (prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture). As the Church celebrates together the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which we reflect upon our Lord drawing Mary home to Himself, we will together enter into a particular way of responding to the Lord drawing us all to Himself daily. Daily, He calls us to Himself and the combination of Adoration and Lectio Divina can be a powerful way to quiet our hearts and listen to His voice. I hope you can join us at 7 PM in the Church.
OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS: Our Feast Day is coming up! This year, since it falls on a Saturday, we are going to schedule a special 9 AM Mass with a breakfast social to follow. More to come about future events each week, in connection with the five pillars.
MEET YOUR PARISH COUNCIL: This past week, your brand new parish council had its first meeting. What exactly is parish council? It is a structure designed to facilitate communication and consultation between the pastor and his parish. The council is a consultative body (not a governing body). The pastor, and sometimes other staff or parishioners, report to the council on liturgical, financial, ministerial, and other matters, offering the members of the council the opportunity to ask questions or offer opinions and perspective. Members of the Council offer an honest opinion on their own behalf, as well as hoping to represent various perspectives within our parish. It is always my hope that you would consider me personally available for any questions or concerns you may have regarding parish life. Still, there is a sense in which the council is chosen to represent all of you. For this reason, it is good for you to know who is on council. The new parish council consists of Linda Carter, Jeff Ellis, Patti Kelly, Caylee Kennedy, Quint Quiram, Mandy Robinson and Mary Paula Schmitt. If you have further questions regarding parish council, don’t hesitate to let me or one of the council members know.
In Christ through Mary,
Fr. Gifford
St. Louis, pray for us!
Blessed Mary, Queen Mother of the King of Kings, pray for us!