Our God loves us and made us for Himself, in His own image and likeness. If we are to know who we are, we must then seek to come to know who He is. Thankfully, He has chosen to reveal Himself to us. “In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets; in these last days, He spoke to us through a Son, whom He made heir of all things and through whom He created the universe, who is the refulgence of His glory, the very imprint of His being, and who sustains all things by His mighty word (Hebrews 1:1-3a).” In Jesus Christ, we come to know that God is a Trinity of Divine Persons – Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. We who are made in His image and likeness are, then, by nature relational beings. We are not made to live alone or to live for ourselves. We are made for communion with God and with one another. So, throughout the generations, He has called His people together into a covenant – to live as a people and as His people. Finally, in Christ, since He now sent us His Son (the Second Person of the Trinity truly became man), He established a new and final covenant, in which we are drawn into deeper communion with Him than ever possible before, most especially through the Holy Eucharist and the rest of the Sacraments. This covenant is the Church, the Body of Christ – by our communion with Him, we are drawn into the eternal communion of the Trinity! This is why it is such a cherished gift, not to be taken for granted, to be able to be actively engaged in the communion of the Church.
Thankfully, St. Louis Catholic Church provides many great opportunities to actively live in the communion of the Church! First and foremost, our parish provides a rich sacramental life extending beyond the Sunday Mass, which is always the weekly priority for any disciple of Christ, including daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, and Reconciliation. Furthermore, while preparation is offered for Marriage and the Sacraments of Initiation (including our Baptismal Prep program, Belonging), we also have a number of parishioners who are involved with assisting in carrying our Eucharistic Lord to the sick and homebound, as well as being involved with the various Liturgical Ministries. Our families have the opportunity to come together and support one another in growing together as disciples, through the various small groups and family events that are a part of our Family Discipleship program, supported by ongoing growth opportunities for our children and youth, including Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Youth Ministry. Adults also have numerous discipleship opportunities, through a variety of prayer groups, Bible Studies and other small groups, as well as unique opportunities for our young adults. Additionally, more opportunities for service and fellowship are available, including Knights of Columbus, Altar & Rosary Society and the Respect Life Committee.
Our Patron, Saint (King) Louis IX of France models for us the understanding of being entrusted with a kingdom that must be served faithfully, as a means of building up the Kingdom of God. Likewise, our parishioners live in imitation of this example, by cherishing the gift of our parish community as something entrusted to us by the Providence of God, of which we are called to be trustworthy stewards. As good stewards, our parishioners contribute to the life of the parish in many and varied ways, and receive from Christ, through the Church, the grace, strength and inspiration to live out their vocation to holiness, bringing the Light of Christ into their homes and into all sectors of our world. May all members of our parish family, friends and guests hear the call of Christ to enter into a life of discipleship and so join the great pilgrimage in Christ, toward our eternal home.
St. Louis, pray for us!
Blessed Mary, Queen Mother of the King of Kings, pray for us!

We are blessed to be staffed with wonderful
professionals and volunteers. To find out more about our staff and their roles at Saint Louis Parish please click here.