Baptismal Information
Prior to the baptism of a child taking place, attendance at a session of Belonging Baptismal Preparation is required of the parents to gain a greater perspective on this very important and necessary sacrament. Other requirements and paperwork will be explained at the session. Please wait until after attending Belonging to choose Godparents. All paperwork/requirements must be completed before a date for Baptism is set. To sign up, call the parish office, or contact Rebekah Mead (stl.rebekahmead@gmail.com).
First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion
Preparation for children's reception of these sacraments takes place within the context of Children's Formation of the Family Discipleship Program. Please contact Rebekah Mead (stl.rebekahmead@gmail.com) for more information.
Youth Confirmation
This program is a two-year preparation for the reception of Sacrament of Confirmation, which generally take place in the spring at the Cathedral of St Mary. In most cases, students begin in the 7th grade and are confirmed by the 8th grade. Classes take place on Wednesday evenings through the school year. Please call the parish office to sign up.
Anointing of the Sick Information
Generally there is at least one annual communal Anointing of the Sick celebration within the context of weekend Masses. Please contact the parish office for the pastor to individually schedule an anointing for you or a loved one.
RCIA-Becoming a Catholic as an Adult (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
This study will serve as our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults and will meet in the fall weekly until Easter. It is open to all, including those who are not Catholic but are interested in knowing more about Catholicism and/or becoming Catholic, baptized Catholics who are seeking the other Sacraments of Initiation (Holy Communion and/or Confirmation), and fully-initiated Catholics who would like an overview of their Faith and to go deeper into it.
Marriage Preparation Information
If a person is Catholic, s/he is required to be married in and through the Catholic Church. Before setting a firm date, please contact the parish office at least eight months prior to a general time-frame for the wedding. Both parochial and diocesan requirements are necessary to fulfill. Both the parish priest and deacon witness marriages.
Marriage Case Process (Annulment Cases)
This is an official investigation into a person’s previous bond (of marriage) which establishes, through the help of the Church, whether or not the bond was in fact a valid marriage. If not, the bond is declared “null and void” thus establishing that a marriage never took place in the first place. This process usually takes, at the very least, one year.