Julie Hassler schedules Lectors for all Masses and Holy Days.
These individuals proclaim God’s Holy Word at Mass. There is a short workshop training session. The lectors are then regularly-scheduled to read at Mass throughout the liturgical year.
Mandy Robinson schedules Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
This important ministry assists the pastor in taking Holy Communion and visiting with shut-ins, patients at Perry Memorial Hospital, and residents at the area nursing home facilities. It also assists with the distribution of Holy Communion at Holy Mass on the weekend. Involves being commissioned as well as occasional informational meetings.
Jennifer Scully schedules Altar Servers. Boys and girls, beginning in 4th grade, are eligible to serve after attending three sessions of altar serving training, usually in November of each year. The servers must be reverent and responsible for this important ministry.
Usher are volunteers who welcome Mass-goers, help seat people, take up the Sunday and Holy Day collections, and assist in the additional Mass-goers’ needs.
Mandy Robinson schedules Sacristans
Sacristans help prepare the Altar for Mass.