We continue our trek around the Life Garden this week with the Sacred Heart of Jesus
(pictured). The timing of this is also fitting because this Saturday concludes the month of June, which has been the month of the Sacred Heart - better late than never! All throughout salvation history, God has been pursuing each and every human heart, to bring us into communion with His Heart. There is no greater communion between the Heart of God and the human heart then in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in which the two are truly one. In contemplating the Sacred Heart, we recognize the dignity of every human life, as being made in His image and likeness, for communion with Him, and also the fulfillment of this innate call to communion, made possible by the moment that Heart first began to beat in the womb of His Blessed Mother. Furthermore, we should recall the gift of Eternal Life, pouring forth from this Heart, when it was pierced for our salvation. Yet, the famous image of the Sacred Heart, in which His arms are outstretched to embrace us, does not show us the image of Blood and Water streaming out of the wound. We do see a drop of His Precious Blood (consider the power in just one drop!) coming out of the wound, as well as the crown of thorns and the cross on top, all reminding us of His Passion. Yet, we also see the flames of His Love, which stir within, as He is filled with the Holy Spirit, and also the rays of glory, reaching out to draw us into the Joy of the Father’s Heart, as His children are brought into communion with Him. Let us seek to bring greater joy to His Heart today and every day, by uniting our wills to His, that our hearts may beat in union with His.
STAFF CHANGE: Last week, an important change was made on our staff, which will greatly help us to better meet the needs of our parish. As we reach a new stage in our journey, the role of Project Coordinator (which was most needed and helpful during the time of transition, right after my arrival) is currently no longer needed. Given Cathy Trowbridge’s years of experience with our parish office, she is well suited to step up into the role of Administrative Assistant, which will also enable her to continue to work on a few lingering projects. Meanwhile, this enables something that has been needed for quite some time, which is for Julia Mead to be free to focus her time and energy at the parish solely on her role as Director of Religious Education. As we continue to discern where the Lord is leading our parish and how we can best lead our children and families into a deeper life of discipleship of Jesus Christ in the Heart of the Church, Julia has demonstrated a strong commitment to engaging in this process with a prayerful spirit, as well as applying the wisdom gained through years of experience. This has resulted in significant and ongoing improvements in Family Faith Formation, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and also Baptismal Prep (Belonging). I am very excited for her to now have the opportunity to focus even more on these projects, as well as for the benefit this will bring to our families. I know this will be an adjustment to parishioners, who get used to knowing who their “parish secretary” is, but I am very excited about the promise it holds! Cathy, Renee, Caylee, and Julia will all continue to work shifts in the office, in order to accommodate the extended hours we began a few months ago. So, you may still run into any of them around the office.
ROSARIES FOR USE: Not long after I arrived, I noticed an absence of rosaries, available for anyone to use while they are praying in the chapel. This led me to promptly order some and make note of it in the bulletin… but they were gone in a just a few months. I have now placed a fresh batch in a clearly labeled basket on the bookshelf, by the door. Please don’t hesitate to use one for prayer whenever you visit our chapel! Please do not take them with you, as this will lead to them being unavailable for others to use (again). If anyone does not have a rosary of their own and would like one, please shoot me a message as I will always be happy to to help!
In Christ through Mary, Fr. Gifford
St. Louis, pray for us!
Blessed Mary, Queen Mother of the King of Kings, pray for us!