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Writer's pictureFr. Daniel Gifford


Updated: Mar 29, 2018

Dear St. Louis Parishioners,

“Blessed is the man who has patience and perseveres…” (Daniel 12:12). These words

from the Book of Daniel are fitting for our reflection in these last weeks of Lent. God’s people had endured a long wait for their Messiah. We have seen this, from week to week in the first reading from the Old Testament. We have been given the opportunity to reflect upon the various Old Testament “new” covenants. Yes, you read that right. Often, we only think of two covenants - the old and the new. And we would never consider a new covenant to be found in the Old Testament. But, our Lord did not make us wait until the end of all those generations of slavery and freedom, victory and defeat, famine and plenty, exile, restoration and ongoing oppression to discover that He would give them another chance to enter into relationship with Him. He kept pursuing them, and offered them a number of “new” covenants after the first covenant, with Adam and Eve, was broken by sin. Each week, at Mass, we have reflected on a different one. Each was established with a mediator, namely Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, in order. Just as Noah was the original ‘new Adam’ of the Book of Genesis, so Christ was the final New Adam (Rom. 5:14). At last, the Lamb of God, which Abraham prophesied when he declared, “God will provide himself the Lamb” (Gen 22:8) had been found, tangled in a crown of thorns. At last, the Prophet like Moses, to whom they should listen (Deut 18:15), but they refused to listen and called Him a blasphemer! At last, the Son of David, the long awaited Messiah, had come to take up His throne (Ps 132:11), and it would be a cross. Yet, He would carry that cross for us. Just as He continually renewed the promise through the ages, beckoning us to persevere, so He would give us a great model of perseverance. As we reflect upon His third fall (9th Station, front cover), let us pray for the perseverance to carry our cross with Christ, however many times we stumble. His promise is faithful. May we unite our hearts to that faithfulness.

SOON TO BE OUR NEWEST CATHOLIC IN THE PARISH: One of the great joys of the Easter Season is welcoming new members into full communion with the Body of Christ, the Church. The Baptisms, Professions of Faith, and Confirmations at the middle of the Easter Vigil are a true and visible glimpse of the Risen Christ in our midst! For that reason, I would like to introduce you to Matt McIntyre, who will make his Profession of Faith, be received into full communion and be confirmed this Easter. Matt and his wife, Veronica, are active members of the parish and participants in Foundations of Faith. Their son, Uilleam, was baptized in January - and he also is a frequent attendee at Foundations, to everyone’s delight! Please keep Matt and his family in your prayers as they celebrate the many blessings the Lord is bestowing upon them. Please, congratulate and welcome them when you see them.

In Christ through Mary,

Fr. Gifford

St. Louis, pray for us!

Blessed Mary, Queen Mother of the King of Kings, pray for us!

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